Monday, July 23, 2012

The kids

Here are some latest pictures of the kids.  I am still trying to figure out Blogger from my phone so hopefully this will look ok ...

Here is Jesse just looking adorable playing outside.  This is after his latest haircut.  More on that later.

Here are Esther and Jesse playing in the carport.  This is one of their favorite things to do.  I take a big bowl of water outside and they play with little cups and toys.  Both of them love it - and end up soaked.

Tyler and Jesse reading some library books together.  I love this picture. 

Esther being cute.

Some sibling affection.  They both like to have their picture taken together like this.

Tyler and Esther having a moment...

Esther and Jesse in the little inflatable pool we put in the backyard.  It's not that big but Jesse still didn't like it!  Maybe it's the cold temperature because he sure loves bath time.  Or maybe it's just still too big.  Esther was trying to help him enjoy it but was not very successful.

And here is Jesse's haircut.  This is actually on our kitchen table and Tyler is cutting his hair!  I think he did a great job, especially considering this was his first attempt, he didn't have real hair-cutting scissors, and Jesse wouldn't sit still!  It was really short compared to how long it was, so it took a little time to get used to but now I think Jesse looks adorable.  And it's convenient since Jesse has developed a habit of rubbing food into is hair at most meals.

Our other news lately is that Tyler's brother Elika is now staying with us, and his wife and two little girls will arrive on Thursday.  It's about to be a houseful!  We are looking forward to meeting these members of the family and letting the kids play together.  Then their older son, Hezekiah, will arrive in a few weeks.  So hopefully pictures of the new additions will be up soon.

Also, I hit the halfway mark in the pregnancy a few days ago.  That is exciting although it still feels so far away.  That's ok, though, since we're really not ready and I'm sure Baby isn't ready either.  Esther talks to the baby and plays Christmas songs to my belly since I told her that the baby would be here at Christmas time.  And Jesse will even pat my belly and give it kisses.  But he then pulls up his shirt and pats his belly, so maybe he thinks he has a baby too.  ;)  I'm voting for a Thanksgiving birth so we have plenty of time to enjoy the Christmas season with the new little one.  We'll see!