Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Jesse Tyler, 18 Months!

A milestone ... One and a half years for our little guy. Both hard and easy to believe. It's difficult to recall life before him.

Here is a rundown of his accomplishments:
-started walking well on his own at 14 months
- is talking a lot! Especially in the last few weeks, he is really picking up words. A partial list includes: mama, papa, ball, balloon, banana, shoes, door, water, juice, book, Bible, truck, go, bye, please, thank you, milk, eat, that, belly, baby.
- he is also repeating a lot of words that he may not understand
- loves to look through books
- has started to play with toy cars and even says "vroom vroom"
-eats a banana every morning at breakfast, very enthusiastically
- forgot to mention he learned "no"!
- gets very excited to see Esther
- seems to get frustrated by not being able to communicate his desires
- loves to throw his diaper away after I change it
- is often pretty whiny when he wakes up from a nap
- is taking one afternoon nap now, usually about two hours
- but he can still fall asleep in the carseat in the mornings
- is wearing 18 month shirts and 12 month shorts and pants
- also can get very frustrated if he doesn't get his way and can throw quite a fit
- will sometimes take care of baby dolls like his sister does
- requests the song "this little light of mine" by waving his finger in the air
- is a great eater, although flatly refused beans and tuna salad
- is starting to sit still for a while if a a video is on
- still eats crayons if we try to color
- likes head butts!
- has recently gotten two molars. That's six teeth on top and only two on the bottom
- is very sweet and friendly with an amazing smile
- seems to really respond to music, including drumming on everything, clapping, and dancing

We sure love him!

1 comment:

  1. I seriously can NOT believe he is full-blown toddler!! "Baby Jesse" sure is growing up quickly!
